Top Tips for Picking A Color Scheme for Websites

Businesses have constructed websites that showcase their brand products and services at a visual length. The visuals mostly consist of colors, typography, and imagery. Colors evoke different emotions in people, which is the reason why it has a special place in the website designing industry. Many graphic designers have seen how much colors attract and arrest viewers’ attention who are influenced by the first color they gaze their eyes upon. Color plays a central role in how viewers perceive the online visual hemisphere. It drives the agenda of multiple businesses and brands who hope to use the secret ingredient of coloring to their advantage.

Consequentially, many businesses have grown to overlook the importance of selecting the appropriate color scheme for their website design. They have a tendency to focus more of their energy on resources such as imagery, illustration, and fonts. Increasingly, they choose to ignore the amalgamation of colors or even selecting individual colors for their background. This trend has cost businesses dearly in terms of finance and traffic. If you have no experience designing, the chances are that you yourself are a novice to selecting the appropriate colors when developing your own website. We will share with you some guidelines that will assist you in your color scheme selection endeavors.

Color Psychology

You cannot understand the essence and the nature of colors if you do not know color psychology. Basically, colors emanate different features and feelings among the viewers. Color psychology begins with our infancy and remains with us for a lifetime. The associations that they aspire are on the basis of instinct and subconsciousness—people associate colors with different feelings and appearances, like green, associated with freshness or anything natural. Red is associated with love or passion, and blue is linked with calmness and trust.

Sometimes these associations can vary based on cultural differences. What Americans associate their colors with is different from what Russians associate their colors with. Nonetheless, the common denominator is that colors have the power to effuse strong effects on people. When it comes to colors, the cultural distinction is significant, especially when you are dealing with an international market sector. You need to take the geographical or cultural locations into consideration when picking out the colors to represent your website.


Color Combinations

Colors are usually incorporated on an individual basis when it comes to website design. That is widely considered the safest approach. But that is the conventional route to take. You can opt to change your strategy by combining your colors and mixing them to form a new shade. It usually depends on the number of colors you are going to use. If you are using more than two, then your color scheme might revolve around different color combinations.

It is significant to grasp that the colors you choose for mixing purposes needs to be balanced and create an aesthetically pleasing outlook. You need to pick out the colors that work with one another in a spectrum and mesh them accordingly so that they may reflect accurately on your website.

If you have in-depth knowledge of color theory, then you know good and well that colors usually work cohesively with one another. This is why when you choose your color palette; you can detach yourself from the commonly used color sequence and replace it with a unified layer of colors that will mirror the essence of your website design. Just ensure that the colors are well-matched with the image and the font of your website, especially when you are preparing to amalgamate them.

Simplicity Is Key

It may seem not very easy to you, but it really isn’t. You can actually approach your color schemes in a simple manner. Many times, a color scheme that is mired in complications can confuse the viewer. This is the part where the phrase “less is more” becomes relevant. You can pick out a few colors and make them work effortlessly. The highlight of this strategy is that the entire color scheme becomes more comfortable for the user to recognize. If you implement too many colors, your design will come out looking confusing. If your user has a convenient experience with your colors, your website will become more effective.

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This might seem like it could get complexed, but it is not. Instead, when selecting your color scheme, focus on its simple facets. An intricate, busy color scheme often confuses the eye. If you go overboard on your color usage, you will make it harder for the user to decipher your website appearance.

Contrast Your Colors

Contrast is an essential aspect of your website’s color scheme. The reason for this is that contrast makes an impactful effect on the viewer. It arrests their attention and lures their gaze to certain areas of the website page. An orange CTA button can be considered as the perfect example of actionable contrast. You can pick out diverse blends of color for your CTA button or other buttons to enhance their visibility to your viewer. The difference will also highlight the importance of your website’s pages depending on their lightness or darkness. The prospects of conversions are relatively higher if you choose rich colors such as red or brown that effuse a polished look and feel in your webpage or website button. If you choose to overlook this strategy, your user will not be able to locate the relevant buttons or areas that lead them to your product.

Picking your website color scheme can be a challenging process. It requires ample amounts of research and experimentation before you can implement it officially. You can leapfrog over this process by securing the services of an unlimited graphic design service that can fast-track your website color implementation process. Graphic design agencies such as Designster are well equipped to handle your coloring projects if you cannot afford the time and resources to construct your mechanism. Just ensure that the colors you use are limited and not excessive. It is preferable to select about three to four colors for your website. Any more than that will put a dent in the effect you want your website to have and frustrate the viewer.

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