How to Utilize Video Marketing for Start-UPS

Video marketing is the way of the future. Video advertising has been rapidly increasing for years now and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

So if you are planning on starting a new company, it’s best to get ahead of the game. Follow these tips, and you will see results within your first month of video marketing!

Understand the power of video marketing

Don’t be intimidated by YouTube! It can take a little time to get used to, but it’s really not that difficult. The first step should always be understanding the potential your product or service has through video marketing.

  • You should start with making short 1-2 minute videos using this free online video editor that each describing one specific feature of your product/service. This will help viewers understand what you are offering them in an easy way, which makes them more likely to buy into your business idea.
  • Once your viewers have warmed up to you, introduce yourself and why you started this project. Then explain how they can help bring success to this new company by sharing your videos with their friends and family. This is a great way to get free marketing, while also explaining how they can market for you!
  • It’s important that your videos look professional. People would much rather watch a video made by a company that looks like it knows what it is doing, over one that looks like a garage-based project.
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Use specific keywords in the title of your videos

Using keywords within the title of your video helps customers find you much easier than if they just searched their general topic. Make sure to use relevant keywords at all times.

Showcase the company culture

When people feel like they know someone, it’s much easier to trust them. So during each video, make sure to include some sort of inside look at the start-up company by showing a little bit of who you are as a person. Small details will be highly appreciated among viewers.

Another great idea is to upload regular vlogs (video blogs) that take the “fly on the wall” approach. This technique allows you home viewers to see what life really looks like at your start-up by showing everything from morning routines, to work meetings, and even company parties! Not only will you be able to give special sneak peeks into your private business, but it will also allow people to get a feel for who they are buying their product/service from.

Optimize your content

When it comes down to ranking videos on YouTube, one of the most important things is how well optimized each video is within certain categories. So before uploading each video, do some research into similar keywords that can help people find your videos easier.

Another important factor is to always have a good call to action within each video so that viewers know exactly what they should do after watching it! Not only will this ultimately increase conversions, but it will also help with search engine optimization because certain key phrases from both your video and written content will get indexed into Google’s database.

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Promote YouTube videos on other platforms

YouTube is not going anywhere anytime soon; which means people are constantly on the lookout for great videos to watch. So why not bring them directly to your channel? This can easily be done by promoting either shortened video URLs or even linking back to specific playlists on other social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, or even Instagram!

 As mentioned before, Google loves fresh content; which means uploading unique videos 2x per week (on both Wednesdays and Fridays) will not only boost your views but will also give Google a reason to bump your rankings up too!  to specific playlists from social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram!

Just remember, if you want people to watch your videos then make sure they look professional! Also, be unique with your content and upload quality videos that you would want to watch yourself. If people see that the subject is interesting then they’ll most likely subscribe and share your content as well!

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