E-commerce Mobile App Development By Using ReactJS

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A Quick Rundown : “ Why React.JS Is An best Ideal & Choice For Ecommerce  app developer?” is the whopper question being asked by the clients to the mobile application developer.

As you know, there are numerous front-end platforms available which hold the potential to integrate e-commerce functionalities, like Next.js, which is a considerable choice for a lightweight framework for static and server-rendered apps.

But the good part is, we’ve chosen for this post!

“React E-commerce Builder”

Well, it’s pretty easy to integrate it with the shopping cart for developers. And, undoubtedly, the outcome is a neat, React-powered e-commerce  mobile app development!

E-commerce App Using Redux

Here, we will be discussing on how to create an excellent UI for an e-commerce app using React.JS. Keeping in mind the core motive behind this is to streamline team’s struggle and help match various metrics with conversions and performance itself, as it shows how even the tiniest bit of User Interface performance gain mirror into a whooping revenue boost.

1. Things To Consider While Building An E-commerce App With React.JS

Before, we start with the imperatives let’s have a revision of what is ReactJS.

React.JS is developed by Facebook, being one of the largely used UI library that helps in creating alluring web apps that require minimal efforts and coding”.

A few to list are Atomic design principle, component-driven approach, impeccable performance, high-speed etc.. All these make React.JS an ideal choice of framework for developing E-commerce web applications.

Unfurling is the objective of any e-commerce firm or organization.

And why not? Your business is not meant to be small.

However, in mobile app development services the front-end is the indicator of the quality of your products and total brand value. But mount of all, it provides a level of comfort and satisfaction to the user.

Did You Know!

“About 97% of an eCommerce performance optimisation is only Front-end related, leaving beside only 3% for the back-end.”?

To a surprise, an E-commerce front-end might get often updated for small changes (like Font) for the special days of sale such as Good-Friday which are in the urge need of developing and deploying the update to the entire system.

Therefore, the front-end performance and efficiency need to be managed with care; else there are chances of you breaking your app, which would be manifold expensive for your business.

So, how will you handle all the front-end related optimization in E-commerce?

Well, the answer is quite apparent, using React...

While the modern web has numerous options of frameworks like Angular, Vue to help brace in building complex UIs, except for Vue, they are accompanied with unnecessary complexities along with them.

2. Atomic Design Principle : An Imperative In Building E-commerce App

Building E-commerce App

As Once Brad Frost said “ An Atomic Design Is Methodology For Creating design system that is braced by “Five Building Imperatives” which when accumulated perfectly, builds semantic and contextual bond between interface objects”.

The Five Building Blocks are as follow:

  • Atoms : Everything begins with the smallest, and in Atomic design it starts with “Atoms”. These are small, contained, and simplest part of an application.
  • Molecules : They are group of two or more atoms adhesive with a chemical bond.
  • Organism : Organism is the association of molecules functioning together as a unit.
  • Templates : Templates generally consist of many organism group clutched together to form pages.
  • Pages : To be definitive, “Pages” are specific instances of templates.
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3. Atomic Design Principles To An E-commerce App

As far by now, you have a comprehensive acknowledge about the Atomic guidelines. Now, is the time to try your hand for building a complex interface for e-commerce.

To commence with, let’s start with the basic components that act as “Atom”.

a. Atoms In React.JS For E-commerce

Since atoms are the smallest individual part of any webpage or any app. They can be considerable choice for any text or an input component or a  button component.

b. Molecules In React.JS For E-commerce

Now, if you want to make a search module for e-commerce with a button component and a text component, and,  when they both are clutched together, it creates a search component that is a molecule.

c. Organism InReact.JS For E-commerce

The complex UI components of an e-commerce app are the “Organism”. As they are more complex than atoms and molecules, it’s possible that the organism in the iOS and Android application development needs to manage the business logic.

eCommerce Android App Development

For instance, the product page in any E-commerce is made up of organisms such as ProductGrid organism and Header Organism that consist of product molecules.

d. Templates In React.JS For E-commerce

The perfect combination of atoms, molecules, and organisms is called Template. All these are solely responsible for making User Interface in the applications.

By clutching all them together, you can finally build the Template, which will be the wireframe to the app.

4. Benefits Of React For E-commerce App

As already mentioned, you understand every know-how of designing the wireframe using Atomic design principle. But, you might be perplexed on how Atomic designing principle has a subtle difference than the typical component designing force.

So, let’s have a look on how they both compete against each other.

a. The Bouyant Force In Speed

The added feather in the hat of working with Atomic design is a boost in speed. Since you are working on a component, you can easily make any required changes to it, without altering the other elements on the UI.

This directs towards the component that requires updation will only get reloaded. Again, this is practically advantageous for an e-commerce web app where you don’t want to frustrate your user with reloading time every time they add an item in their cart.

b. Re-usability Of Components

Without any doubt, the Atomic design approach is a neat and reliable way of making the components re-usable, which is defined when you are working another way round.

The proficient and innovative mobile application developers often pay special attention on re-usability while abiding with DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.

  • LEVEL 1 : The components that are least or not at all re-usable.
  • LEVEL 2 : Components that can be re-used within the application.
  • LEVEL 3 : These are the components that can be shared among various applications.

By the time, you are working with components-driven UI like React; you probably have to encounter with the second level of component that can be re-used within the apps.

Are you still baffled upon the re-usability terms?

We will take an example to make things simple for you.

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There are myriad ways to develop a button. But, the effort required to build the same button time and again is whenever you need is absolute zero. Whereas, an experienced UI developer would rather put all the logic that goes on building a button into a library and use it without any hassle.

5. The Right Way To Draw Trajectory For E-commerce App Using Redux

As far by now, you will find tons of content available on the internet that claims to make you learn Redux. But, I am not here to discuss that. Rather, I am here to share something more important,

“The Best Way To Architect A React E-commerce App Using Redux”

As you know, developing a highly customizable scalable software solutions require a well-defined architecture. And, to design a well-structured architecture a vision is needed about the solution you are whiming to develop.

Therefore, you must learn how to visualize your app and even then implement it in an effective manner. And, here we will learn the same in the next few steps.

While, we have a pre-planned wireframe of the app, so the next comes defining the architecture of React.JS E-commerce app. Before you proceed with implementing the architecture, you need to ensure the entire application as one entity, and each page of the application as the sub-entity.

The Redux-based architecture of E-commerce app is categorized in four parts.

  1. Visualize The State Tree
  2. Design Your Reducers
  3. Accomplish Actions
  4. Implement Presentation

So, once more let’s dive deep and understand how to get this right.

# Step 1: Visualize The State Tree

Right from the WireFrame you can sketch down the State tree which make the Redux implementation a lot easier in the e-commerce app.

So, all you need to do is align with a reliable and experienced name for Android app creator to get started and visualize the state tree for the entire app.

All these include other web pages and some important elements.

  • Product description page
  • Product catalog page
  • Payment page
  • Login page

As, by now, you are done with sketching down the various app elements, time to jump to the next step, which is designing the reducers.

# Step 2: Design Your Reducers

Designing the reducers is one of the crucial steps in the entire process.

As a healthy reminder, “Every State Of Your App That is Important Can Have Its own Reducer”. By opting, you have access to the entire E-commerce app states and their outcomes.

To make it easier for you, I would like to mention one exciting bit that is sure to help you:

“Reducers are just Replica of What You Designed In The Early Stage Of State Tree”.

# Step 3: Accomplish Actions

Now you must have learned about how to design the reducer the correct way, let’s now talk about how to implement actions that will validate the calls to API’s.

Each specific action that serves API call in an app would undergo three defined stages:

  • Loading State
  • Success
  • Failure

A worth-the-value method to apply to the e-commerce app is to ensure these three actions so as to check the correct data flow through the API.

# Step 4: Implement Presentation

Now, is the time for you to integrate React with Redux library which can be done easily with React-Redux package.

A Thought: As now you have learned how to make an e-commerce app with React, especially the front-end. But, to make an app working the back-end is essentially important.

Moreover, how to make sensitive API call?

What about validating and handling form submissions?

I will suggest you to align with the top-niche mobile app development services to sail well through the digital challenges.

After All… Developing an E-commerce app is a walk on the cake with a framework like React accompanied by a small library like Redux.

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