Web hosting is an important term that every website owner on the Internet needs to be aware of. For new small business owners online, you won’t really know what web hosting is. Right? Let me clear it out. If you want your own website for the purpose of selling products or online services, then you should know about hosting providers. Now the question is “what is web hosting?”

Web hosting is a service that effectively runs your website on the Internet for millions of users who are searching. Without a best web hosting service providers, your site can never be made available on the Internet; Whether your site is small or big. Every website that works online is hosted by one web hosting company or the other.

The term web hosting service can be explained in a more complex way when you want to know how you should consider basic technical components. If you want your site to be hosted on the Internet, then that site should have its own location on the server. Now, out of the services, your website will be connected to the Internet for those who can access it anywhere in the world. This simply means that your website can never be connected to the Internet without a server. The only way to get on the server is to be hosted by web hosting companies. This means that every website that is working effectively on the Internet is hosted by a hosting company. Now let’s talk about some of the cheap web hosting providers that you can choose right at the moment.


Choosing the right hosting for your business website is an important task. For many small businesses, budget web hosting can provide every function you could possibly require. Best of all, you truly do not need to spend more than a few dollars a month to obtain reliable hosting for your site. Let’s examine some of the crucial factors to take care of while choosing a web host.

Disk Space and Bandwidth –

Look at the amount of disk space and bandwidth provided by the host. Many companies offer “unlimited” space and bandwidth, but there are actually some unspoken limitations. Make sure you know what the consequences will be if your site happens to utilize an excessive amount of these resources. For example, will the company shut down your website without warning, or will they send you an email to inform you about the situation?

Stability –

Will the host offer a stable platform for your website? Will your site be operational at all times? It’s next to impossible for a host to guarantee that your site will be up and running 100 percent of the time. However, a guarantee of at least 99 percent uptime is perfectly reasonable. Most budget web hosts offer this percentage or better, and you shouldn’t settle for less than that from a paid host.

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Extra Tools and Software –

Most hosts offer a long list of extra tools and software that you may or may not need. Things like MySQL, PHP, ASP, SSL certificates, and WordPress are standard features in many hosting packages. If you know that your site will require certain capabilities, you can make sure that the hosting company provides them. However, if you don’t know what these technical terms mean, don’t worry about it. Keep in mind that you can run a great website without a lot of fancy features.

Price –

The good news is that price doesn’t need to be a factor in your web host decision. Compared to the cost of other business expenses, operating a website is dirt cheap. You can easily find reliable hosting for under $10 a month. In addition, a domain name will cost you between $2 and $12 for an entire year, depending on the name and where you buy it. In other words, the monthly cost of running a website is less than a fast-food meal for two.

Selecting the right budget web hosting for your business requires a little thought and a bit of comparison shopping. But picking the company that meets your requirements can save you a lot of time, money, and frustration.



Hostinger is one of the cheap and best web hosting providers in the market right now. They are known for offering web hosting deals that are priced really well for the performance that they offer and their shared, cloud, VPS hosting plans have no exceptions. Hostinger uses its own custom control panel which is more streamlined for beginners to find things easily. I honestly like Hostinger a lot as it saves a lot of time and messing around. Their pricing for a shared hosting plan starts from $0.99 a month for a 4-year plan. If you didn’t like the service of Hostinger, you can get a full refund within 30 days of signing up. The WordPress hosting starts as low as $1.59 per month. You might be thinking is there any difference between shared hosting and WordPress hosting? Yes, a little bit of difference. With WordPress hosting, you get some extra features especially for websites that want to use WordPress. The uptime and performance of Hostinger are excellent and you won’t be disappointed at all. The only thing that I found a bit lacking is that they don’t have a phone support option but you contact them via email or live chat. Check out the hosting comparison here Hostinger vs Bluehost.


Bluehost is one of the leading names in the hosting industry and they have been in the market for over 17 years. Bluehost has been officially recommended by WordPress on their official website. Bluehost’s backend is good and you can do your work fast without any hassle. With every package of web hosting, you get access to Bluehost’s custom dashboard where you can do anything related to hosting and domains. Speed ​​and uptime are one of the most important factors. Bluehost has an uptime score of 99.95% which is decent. Note that they do not offer a guarantee at any time with any of their plans. The average load time of websites with Bluehost is around 3s which is usually higher than other competitors in the market. They have a strong customer support system with 24*7 live chat, a solid knowledge base, email and call support. Plans with Bluehost shared hosting plan will cost you $3.95 per month of 36 months. With this, you get a free SSL certificate, 1 website hosting, 50 GB of storage, and a free domain for a year. Bluehost is a reliable hosting option and they offer really attractive plans with good features.

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Siteground was started in 2004 and the company has grown with a rapid increase in recent years. At first glance, all looks good: fast websites, reliable services, 24-hour support, and affordable prices. Siteground pricing is cheaper when you sign up for the first time. Once you renew the plan, you will be charged a bit higher amount. Siteground offers 3 packages for shared hosting that come with unlimited bandwidth. The packages are known as Startup, GrowBig, and GoGeek. The cheapest plan startup starts with a pricing of $3.95 per month which increases at the time of renewal. The backend is beginner friendly and very well organized. Each website hosted on Siteground can be managed independently and you have an option to add different users for each website. This makes Siteground a good choice for large projects with multiple team members. The average uptime of the Siteground is 99.98% which is really great. But uptime is not the only thing you should watch. Siteground makes a good effort to optimize its servers with the latest technologies like SSD drives, HTTP2 and PHP7 so that users can experience good speed too. Support is available via email, phone, and 24-hour live chat. Their experts are helpful and friendly. This is not the cheapest option available, but if you are a medium-sized business then you can definitely go for it.


So which of these hosting providers is best for you? There’s a good reason to pick any web hosting providers that are included in the list but at last, it definitely depends on your needs and budget. Hostinger is great for beginners who are looking to spend less and in return get a good performance. Bluehost is also a good hosting provider as it contains all the features required to build a website from scratch. Siteground is better for medium businesses and people who are looking to spend a bit more on speed and performance. They include various hosting packages and won’t compromise your security. I hope you find this article helpful. Happy hosting! 

About Author: Hey,I am Shubham Chopra, founder of Marketing Savior and an exuberant content creator with a great zest for providing insightful reviews about digital products that will help startups & SMEs penetrate into the online world easily.
Shubham Chopra

Shubham Chopra

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